Contraindications and Cautions for Sauna Treatments:
Before scheduling your sauna session, consult your medical provider if you have one of the following symptoms or conditions:
- High Blood Pressure
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Intoxication
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Central Nervous System Tumor
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Pregnancy
- Fever
- Recent Wound from Operation or Surgery
- Difficulty Sweating
- Recent Joint Injury (Within 48 hrs)
- Pacemaker or Defibrillator
- Taking Diuretics, Barbiturates, Beta-Blockers, or Antihistamines
- You are Under 16 or Over 65
- Heavy Menstrual Periods
- Surgical Implants
- Metal Pins or Rods
- Artificial Joints